Thursday, May 16, 2019

National Bike To School Day Comes to Raritan!

Some days truly are better than others. May 8th was National Bike to School Day and JFK Primary in Raritan celebrated it well.

For those unaware, there is a regular Bike Train that was started in September 2016 where some adults help students ride their bikes to school on every Tuesday that the weather allows. This typically means above freezing and not raining. That ride sees up to 15 regular riders. The concept behind a bike train is both safety in numbers, but also a form of educating students on what safe riding looks like. We start at the furthest riders' house and ride through town picking up other riders along the way. We follow the law, ride in the road, signal, and wear helmets. It is a great way for them to enjoy the morning, get some energy out before school, and improve on their bicycles. Coordinating the ride has been one of the bright spots of my time as a parent at JFK. I hope to grow it and encourage other parents or students to coordinate their own bike trains to make biking something common for JFK. When we started I never saw a bicycle in the bike rack. Now there is at least one daily (a bike train graduate, and all around amazing kid) and more on the days that the weather is perfect.

So what does that all mean for NBTSD? Well, we built from the base we had and encouraged more and more riders to join. I spoke with the local Police and they offered to ride with us both on bicycle and in their cruisers. What a lot of fun it was. We had 26 students, 4 past students who are now at the older school, and then a bunch of parents all coming out and learning that it is both safe and fun to ride bikes to school!

Alex is a regular on the route, but even he was smiling at the sheer number of kids out on their bicycles.

The total route was 1.7 miles part of which was up Johnson Drive which, due to the construction, has cars street parked. What seems like an obstacle is a great teaching moment. We took the lane, as we should and rode up the hill. The students learn they are traffic and need to behave predictably and control the scenario when needed to enhance their safety. A great lesson.

After arriving, in plenty of time for school, they strap their helmets to their backpack loops and head to the door to start the day. The looped helmets are a good reminder for them when they leave school to not get on the bus, haha.

Heading home on the beautiful afternoon, Principal Walsh came to send the students off, and Officer Jonesy led the way!

A great celebration of bikes in Raritan!

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