Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Purpose and Progress

Welcome to the site.

This will be a pinned post for future updates about what has happened and what is happening for biking in the Raritan and Somerset County, NJ. 

First, some background about your author. I am a father of three who has lived in Raritan since 2008. I helped to start a weekly Bike Train for the local primary school and have slowly transitioned that fun project into a bigger role for advocating for safer infrastructure for cycling in my community.

Somerset County is looking to improve pedestrian and cycling infrastructure over the next few years. At a recent meeting for the Walk, Bike, Hike plan they referred to Somerset County neighborhoods as a series of "transportation islands" meaning that inside of those pods, walking and cycling was easy and a good alternative to driving, but neighborhoods were not connected to each other, or blocked from each other by major roads that were formidable to all but the most experienced cyclists. This was identified by using the Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) Methodology

Efforts on the part of Raritan Borough include the creations of a new subcommittee under the planning committee specifically focused on pedestrian and cycling safety. This committee recently hosted a meeting at the Raritan train station highlighting the needs for lighting, wayfinding and overall improvements needed between the station and the river/canal area, including a significant portion of Somerset St. Planner, Angela Knowles, delivered a presentation with many county and borough stakeholders in attendance, and then led a walk through town with bus stops planned to discuss specific needs presented to the group. This is only one piece of a masterplan for the entire borough. Future projects may include protected bike lanes and safe pedestrian crossings over 202, all with the intent of connecting the town in a way that wouldn't require you to jump in a car.

Adding to all of this potential, Somerset County is also working to connect Somerville, Raritan, Duke Farms and Duke Island park by improving trails along the riverfront.

Stay tuned for updates on these projects and just general cycling posts from around Raritan.

Be sure to join the public group on Facebook.